6 min read

Top Board Games about Politics

Let's review what board games about politics and strategy like: Dune, Lisboa, SHASN. Dive into the thrilling world of politics with best political board games.
Board game about politics
Board game about politics 
Table of contents:

When it comes to board games, those themed around politics offer a unique blend of strategy, negotiation, and social dynamics that truly set them apart. These games invite players to step into the shoes of a political leader, policy maker, or influential lobbyist, facing the myriad challenges that come with wielding power. Through intricate gameplay mechanics, players navigate the delicate balances of political alliances, public opinion, and policy decisions, all while striving to achieve their own objectives. Whether you're a history buff, political junkie, or simply a fan of strategic gameplay, political board games offer a compelling, interactive way to explore the complexities of governing and the art of diplomacy.

Lets review best ranked board games about politics according to BGG:

1. Twilight Imperium: Fourth Edition

 Twilight Imperium: Fourth Edition Board game about politics
Twilight Imperium: Fourth Edition
  • Players can choose from one of seventeen factions, each with its own unique playing style and strategies. Factions include the wormhole-hopping Ghosts of Creuss and the economically savvy Emirates of Hacan.
  • There are various paths to victory, but the ultimate goal is to rule the galaxy from the throne of Mecatol Rex.
  • Each game of Twilight Imperium is unique due to the strategic construction of the game board with 51 galaxy tiles, each featuring elements like new planets, supernovas, asteroid fields, or gravity rifts.
  • Players take turns building the galaxy around the central planet, Mecatol Rex, with the tiles shaping the course of the game.
  • Rounds begin with players selecting one of eight strategy cards. These cards dictate player order and provide a unique strategic action for that round, such as providing additional command tokens or allowing a player to control trade.
  • Players then move their fleets, claim planets, and engage in warfare and trade with other factions. Each turn ends with a council meeting to pass new laws and agendas.
  • Players score victory points by completing objectives, which are revealed gradually throughout the game. In addition, each player has secret objectives that only they can achieve.

2. Dune: Imperium

Dune: Imperium board game
Dune: Imperium
  • Players take on the role of leaders of the Great Houses of the Landsraad, preparing their forces and spies for war. The central conflict revolves around control of Arrakis – Dune, the desert planet.
  • The game employs deck-building to introduce a hidden-information aspect to the traditional worker placement mechanic.
  • Players start with a unique leader card and a deck identical to their opponents. As players acquire cards and build their deck, their strategy and strengths and weaknesses are shaped.
  • Cards permit players to dispatch their agents to particular spaces on the game board. As the deck evolves, players can gain military strength to deploy more troops or gain an advantage with one of the four political factions in the game: the Emperor, the Spacing Guild, the Bene Gesserit, and the Fremen.
  • Unlike many deck-building games, players don't play their entire hand in one turn. Players draw a hand of cards at the start of each round and take turns placing one Agent at a time on the board.
  • When a player runs out of Agents to place, they reveal their remaining cards during a Reveal turn. These cards provide Persuasion and Swords. Persuasion is used to acquire more cards, and Swords aid troops in combat for the current round's rewards as indicated on the revealed Conflict card.
  • To win, players must outsmart their rivals in combat, navigate the political factions skillfully, and acquire valuable cards. The mantra "The Spice must flow" guides the strategy to lead their House to victory.

3. Pax Pamir: Second Edition

Pax Pamir: Second Edition abstract board game
Pax Pamir: Second Edition
  • The game mechanics are based on tableau building. Most player turns involve buying cards from a central marketplace and then playing these cards in a row, or "court".
  • Playing cards brings units into the game's map and allows further actions that can disrupt other players and steer the game's direction. It's crucial to note that while each player is building their own card row, the game allows substantial interference, both direct and indirect, between players.
  • Survival hinges on players forming coalitions. Coalition dominance is assessed when a special card, known as a "Dominance Check", comes into play. If a coalition leads significantly during such a check, loyal players gain victory points relative to their influence within the coalition.
  • If no single coalition dominates during a check, victory points are awarded based on players' personal power bases.
  • After each Dominance Check, victory is checked, and the game partially resets, providing players another chance to fulfill their ambitions.

4. Lisboa

Lisboa board game about politics
  • Lisboa revolves around the reconstruction of Lisbon after the devastating earthquake of 1755.
  • As players, you are members of the nobility tasked with the city's reconstruction and business development under the leadership of the Marques of Pombal.
  • The game map is based on the real layout of downtown Lisbon, where the type of businesses permitted on each street was pre-determined during the city's planning phase.
  • The economy of the game is driven by the royal treasury, and players' actions during the game directly influence this wealth, making each game unique.
  • Gameplay occurs in rounds; each round allows players to place or replace a card in their display.
  • Players can arrange hearings to gain favors such as commerce, construction, and openings from characters in the game.
  • The iconic buildings in the game score the stores, which in turn provide income to the players.
  • Management skills are crucial, as players need to handle influence, construction licenses, store permits, church power, workers and money.

5. SHASN (as bonus)

SHASN game about ideology
  • Each turn involves drawing an Ideology Card and making decisions on pressing political issues.
  • These decisions garner resources for influencing voters and acquiring strategic powers.
  • Players can build and mold their Ideologies based on their beliefs and strategies throughout the game.
  • The game's map is divided into 9 zones. The aim is to gather the highest majority votes across all zones.
  • Players use four resources to influence voters - Funds, Media attention, Public Trust, and Street Clout.
  • Each player answers an Ideology Card at the start of their turn, with each answer aligning with one of the game's four Ideologues: The Capitalist, The Showstopper, The Supremo, and The Idealist.
  • Building up answers that align with a single Ideologue unlocks new powers that can strengthen the player's position or undermine opponents.
  • The game involves a constant trade-off between short-term resource gain and long-term strategy building.
  • Headlines and Conspiracy Cards, triggered through various game actions, add additional strategy elements and tools for players to use to their advantage.
  • The gameplay mirrors the aggressive, action-packed world of politics, requiring strategic planning and tactical decision-making.


Each of these board games offers a unique and engaging perspective on politics. "Twilight Imperium (Fourth Edition)" takes you into the heart of galactic politics and warfare, letting you build a civilization from scratch. "Dune: Imperium" allows you to experience the intricate and delicate balance of politics in a war-torn desert planet, with your success hinging on your strategic acumen. "Pax Pamir" immerses you in the tumultuous historical era of 19th-century Afghan politics, where your survival depends on cunning political maneuvering and careful coalition-building. Lastly, "Lisboa" tasks you with the rebuilding of a city after a catastrophic earthquake, a process that requires a blend of business savvy and diplomatic finesse.

But the world of board games is vast and ever-expanding, and there are countless other gems waiting to be discovered. One excellent place to continue your exploration is BoardGameGeek (BGG), a comprehensive online database of board games, card games, and more. It's a vibrant community where you can find new games, read reviews, and engage in discussions.

If you also have an interest in video games, especially ones that delve into politics, you might want to check out Mitrapunk. This indie game gives you a taste of software development within a large corporation and intertwines it with politics. It allows you to navigate the complexities of tech politics, where every decision matters, and every alliance can tip the scales. It's an excellent complement to the world of political board games, offering a digital realm where your strategic skills can shine.